come\ down

come\ down
1. I
1) prices are coming down цены падают /снижаются/
2) the roof came down крыша провалилась; the wall (the ceiling, etc.) came down стена и т. д. отвалилась; the curtain (the mist, etc.) came down занавес и т. д. опустился
2. II
1) come down at some time these houses are coming down soon эти дома скоро будут снесены
2) come down in some manner coll. my parents came down handsomely, they sent me a large sum of money родители мне очень помогли, они выслали мне значительную сумму денег
3. XV
come down in some state the snow came down thick выпал глубокий снег; the rain came down fast лил сильный дождь
4. XVI
1) come down to (from) smb., smth. tales (customs, legends, etc.) come down to us /to our generation/ сказания и т. д. передаются из поколения в поколение; this myth came down from our ancestors этот миф пришел к нам от наших предков
2) come down in (on, etc.) smth. the hydroplane came down in the sea гидроплан сел на воду; the space capsule came down in the field космическая кабина опустилась на поле; the roof came down on our heads крыша рухнула нам на голову
3) соме down to smth. why don't you come down to our place? почему бы вам не зайти к вам?
4) come down with smth. coll. come down with a flu (with fever, with a bad cold, etc.) свалиться с гриппом и т. д.
5) come down on smb. coll. come down on a boy набрасываться на мальчика с руганью; come down on a man for his carelessness (on the children for breaking the window, on the children for talking in class, etc.) отчитать человека за небрежность и т. д.; come down on smth. come down on the prevailing apathy подвергнуть жестокой критике царящее повсюду равнодушие
6) come down with some money coll. come down with L 10 (with a L 5 note, etc.) выложить /дать, пожертвовать/ десять фунтов и т. д.
7) coll., come down on smb. for smth. come down on him for prompt payment of bills (on the driver for heavy damages, etc.) (потребовать от него срочной оплаты счетов и т. д.; come down on smb. to do smth. the landlady came down on me to clean my room хозяйка потребовала, чтобы я убрал свою комнату
8) come down in smth. come down in smb.'s opinion упасть в чьих-л. глазах; he came down in her esteem after that incident после этого случая она стала гораздо меньше уважать его
9) come down to smth. coll. come down to two choices сводиться к выбору одного из двух; the matter comes down to this вопрос сводится к следующему; when it comes down to courage... когда речь идет о мужестве...
come down to doing smth. coll. come down to asking my advice about her affairs (to borrowing money, to lying, etc.) дойти до того, что просить у меня совета, как ей поступить и т. д.; come down to begging дойти до нищенствования, опуститься и начать попрошайничать
6. XXV
come down when... my uncle came down handsome(ly) when I was hard up когда у меня были денежные затруднения, мой дядюшка очень помог мне

English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "come\ down" в других словарях:

  • come down on — ˌcome ˈdown on [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they come down on he/she/it comes down on present participle coming down on past tense …   Useful english dictionary

  • Come-down — auch: Come|down 〈[kʌmdaʊn] n. 15〉 Zeitraum, über den die Wirkung einer harten Droge nachlässt [zu engl. come down „herunterkommen, sich beruhigen“] * * * Come down [ kʌmdaʊn], das; s, s [engl. come down, eigtl. = Abstieg, zu: to come down =… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • come down — {v.} 1. To reduce itself; amount to no more than. Followed by to . * /The quarrel finally came down to a question of which boy would do the dishes./ Syn.: BOIL DOWN(3). 2. To be handed down or passed along, descend from parent to child; pass from …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • come down — {v.} 1. To reduce itself; amount to no more than. Followed by to . * /The quarrel finally came down to a question of which boy would do the dishes./ Syn.: BOIL DOWN(3). 2. To be handed down or passed along, descend from parent to child; pass from …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • come down — vi came down, coming down: to be announced the decision came down from the Supreme Court Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. come down …   Law dictionary

  • come down on — (someone/something) 1. to criticize someone or something. It seems that if you give an opinion about something, people come down on you. 2. to have an opinion about someone or something. It was hard to know where he would come down on the issue.… …   New idioms dictionary

  • Come-down — auch: Come|down 〈[kʌmdaʊn] n.; Gen.: s, Pl.: s〉 Zeitraum, über den die Wirkung einer harten Droge nachlässt [Etym.: <engl. come down »herunterkommen, sich beruhigen«] …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

  • Come-down — [ kʌmdaun] das; s, s <zu engl. to come down, eigtl. »herunterkommen«> (Jargon) das Nachlassen der Rauschwirkung (bei Drogen) …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • come|down — «KUHM DOWN», noun. Informal. a loss of position, rank, or money which is unexpected: »“It s quite a comedown from being a ten thousand dollar a year man to this, but I ll come back” (James T. Farrell) …   Useful english dictionary

  • come down on — ► come down on 1) criticize or punish harshly. 2) reach a decision in favour of one side or another. Main Entry: ↑come …   English terms dictionary

  • come down to — ► come down to be dependent on (a factor). Main Entry: ↑come …   English terms dictionary

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